My Bucket List

Kat sini I just want to share some of my dreams and wishes. Lebih kepada travel list and food la..

1. Visit Korea in winter - hmmmm romantik nye...

2. Dine at a Michelin Star Restaurant - sapa yg tak tau Michelin Star tu apa, En Google ada yerk.. :)

3. Ride a gondola in Venice - this is hubby's dream actually, tapi nak join jugak la..

4. Trip to Disneyland - kalau boleh yg Amerika punya la, but mana2 pun okay je..HK, Tokyo etc
5. Nak makan food yg ada truffle - saw it on TV camne diorang nak dapatkan truffle ni, mmg susah and rare sgt, so teringin sgt nak tau rasa dia mcm mana.. I know a place which serve truffles so stay tune on one of my entry nanti ek.

6. Lepak2 and chill kat Maldives - fuhh cantiknye tmpt tu...

7. Eat Wagyu Beef Steak - actually dah rasa dah but only a small portion ..mmg tak puas.. steak dia mmg terbaek..each slice is a combination of beef and lemak skit (omputih panggil marbling)..fuhhhh no wonder la satu plate smpi 300 hengget.. 

8. Drink Luwak Coffee - rasanya mesti ramai dah tahu apa tu Luwak kan. Luckily dah penah try during our Honeymoon in Bali. Masa tu belum kuar fatwa lagi, so tak tau la hukum dia apa lagi masa tu..hehehe..

More list to come..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ayu. I am Kaze from Malaysia.
    Would like to know if u have any idea where can find king crab with moderate price rather than The Manhattan Market fish.
    my email:
