Title mcm gempak..no its not Australia..Singapore je..hehehe..
It was a day trip je..since kitorang stayed at JB, so allocate 1 hari masuk Spore la..so the food hunt begins..
Masuk Spore pun xlah awal sgt..nak budget smpi sana when mall are open :) so lepas bfast JB, trus head to Woodlands.
Smpi sana je, parked our car kat Spore Post building, & naik MRT..First on the agenda, shopping & pusing2 kat Orchard road la...
One thing that is a must when in Orchard road is makan the ice-cream..Simple je,block of Walls ice-cream potong & apit dgn roti or wafer..tapi rasa dia fuuhh..sedap teramat..maybe because its in sing dollars kot..hehehe
Walaupun hujan lebat..redah jugak sebab ice cream ni.. |
Ice cream & roti |
Happy gal dpt ice cream :) |
Lepas dah penat jalan2 around here, perut mula dah lapar, so the next stop... Sup Tulang Merah!!!
Dah lama dok dengar ke-famousan sup tulang merah spore ni, tapi tak penah try pun..so after few search & tny kawan2..decided nak try the one kat Golden Mile Food Centre..
Because this place jauh skit dari MRT station, so kitorang pi la ambik kereta, and using the trusty old GPS head our way there...
Pusing punya pusing, sampai je tgk2 TUTUP la pulak..the food court is under renovation...FRUST!!!!
Nasib baik ada plan B, trus set new destination..MA Deen Biasa..nama mcm kelakar sikit kan kedai ni..ma deen biasa..but i tell you..sup tulang merah dia LUAR BIASA....
King of Sup Tulang...need i say more |
Yang diidamkan |
Cicah dengan french loaf |
Hungry boyz |
Shah..why the face? |
Sedap sehingga menyedut tulang |
Since dah ambik kereta balik, lepas makan..kitorang pegi Mustaffa Center, pastu pusing2 around Spore city..
Few hour later, tekak pun kering, perut pun mcm bole masuk lagi food, drive pegi Geylang Serai..place to be.. Mr Teh Tarik Eating House..
Got to know this place pasal selalunya my hubs pny family kalau pegi Spore mesti duduk area ni..sebabnya..ni kawasan Melayu..so byk la kedai2 halal around this area.. and last time Ayu mkn sini abt 2 yrs back..first time rasa Wantan Mee dia..mmg superb..tak bole lupa pny..
Its a food court with lots of varieties..and its all Halal.. |
Nama pun Teh Tarik house..so harusla Teh Tarik (best in Spore) |
Yam Seng... |
Ni la Wantan Mee yg terbaekkk!!! |
Lepas gaul2..chilli paste dia yg da bomb.. |
| |
Nyummmeeyyy |
Lepas makan/minum..we call it a nite & head back to JB..penat yang amat....
Ice Cream : Orchard Road - ada byk org jual ice cream atas motor je kat sini, mana2 pun sama je..try ice cream with bread paling best..:)
Sup Tulang Merah:
i. Golden Mile Food Centre, Beach Road - food court so ada gak food lain (halal & non-halal but separated la) GPS: 1.302798,103.863683
ii. M.A Deen Biasa, Jalan Sultan GPS: 1.303165,103.861168
Wantan Mee & Teh Tarik:
Mr Teh Tarik Eating House, Geylang Rd (tepi main road, right after Joo Chiat Complex) GPS: 1.315921,103.897176